Friday, October 22, 2010

How do they do it??

There are many times each day where I have to do a double take, or pause for a minute to take in some of the cultural aspects of Korea. One of these is the 'squatting'. It's crazy how many Koreans do this, where they do this, and how old these 'squatters' are. I might be in awe because of the history of bad knees in my own family (no offense mom..), but it is still so impressive how these elderly Korean men and women will just take a squat anytime, anywhere. I wanted to post more pictures, but this was one of the only cases in which I was behind the women, and wasn't super obvious about taking her pic.
Squatting is common at subways, bus stops, or any place that involves waiting. It is also common along the sidewalks between friends, just having a chat. Imagine: 3 old men squatting on the sidewalk, smoking, and speaking really fast you might see why I was a little taken back at first.
I am also curious about the health of Korean's knees due to this natural position. I wonder if they are healthy and flexible and able to do this because of their diets and daily exercise...or if they actually have bad knees, and their posture is affected by this. I just don't know. All I know is that it kinda cracks me up, and leaves me pretty wide-eyed every time I see them.

Happy Friday!


  1. Amy, you are lucky that most of the toilets in Korea these days are western style. In the past, squatting was activity for all. I showed my students your blog and they really enjoy it.


  2. haha I actually just experienced my first 'squatter toilet' at the Fireworks Festival this weekend...After standing in line for 30 minutes to use the bathroom, I knew I couldn't be picky! I'm glad your students like the blog! Talk to you soon!
