This city LOVES their nightlife....and so do we :) I have never been to Las Vegas, but the way the streets here are lit up at night really reminds me of that 'magical' place. Most of the buildings in the popular areas are really tall, and each floor features a different bar, restaurant or Nuri Bang (Korean Karaoke). The neon signs covering these buildings are truly out of control.
Korea also does not have an 'open container' law, which translates to people walking anywhere and everywhere with a drink in hand. This is really nice because all of the convenient stores sell individual cheap drinks, so you can go buy a drink there and sit outside at their picnic tables and chill/people watch.

One of the many Family Marts (or Club FM as we like to call them) that is full of foreigners drinking cheap beers outside
I know that those of you in NY or LA might be use to this, but being from Texas, I am still shocked to be in a place where bars stay open past 2am. I am kinda a baby (or maybe Im just getting older...dang it!) about staying out late, so I have had to suck it up a little bit :).
Over the past few weekends we have been able to go out in a few different areas of town, and each place has been great! The city of Busan does not have 1 central downtown, but instead multiple 'hoppin' areas- each with their own unique charm. We have been lucky to have already met so many awesome people around town.
New friends :) IngIng, Nick, Ryan, and Soo- They took us to this INCREDIBLE Japanese sake bar that had the most delicious appetizers. The bar was only about 15x20 feet, so it was a very special and fun night.
Soo and me enjoying some yummy Sake
Fun night out with 2 of our Korean co-teachers (Renee and Jen, both to the left of me)
Im sure I will post more about this nightlife throughout the year, but that is all for now :).
On a side note, today marks our official '1 month anniversary' in Busan- can you believe it?! Part of me feels like I have been here 'forever' because of the amount of new sights/sounds/experiences filling up my head, but another part of me really feels like the time has flown by! I am feeling more and more comfortable here everyday, and have so many more things around the city and country that I can not wait to experience!
I love and miss yall!
ps. one of these days Ill learn some Korean and drop some sweet new Korean words in my posts and look really cool...but until then, peace out!
is that a haircut or am I really behind... LOVINNNNN ITTTTTT. great to see you the other day, glad you could meet kerby. hahaha xxxxxxxxxxxooooooooo