About a hundred people spread out in the main room of the temple. Kite making sets were set out everywhere, which included: a large piece of thin white paper, thin sticks, string, paste, and crayons.

We were instructed to either draw our dreams and wishes on the kite in order to fly them higher and higher, OR, to draw bad things on the kite, which we let the wind take away.
I went with the former and drew all the types of food and food preparations I want for my life...I'm not much of a visual art guy.
Amy wrote out her dreams and positive ideas with some awesome designs.

The directions for building the kites were less than simple and there's no way I could tell you how.

But, we managed to finish and get outside into the remarkably punctual windy day. The kites didn't soar, but I got mine 10-20 meters up for about 20 seconds...and then into a tree. I then had to climb that tree to retrieve my masterpiece. After another two minutes, she was back into sky....and then right back into the tree. I couldn't reach it this second time. Bye Bye Kite.
Meanwhile, Amy was flying her dreams high in the sky, away from the trees.
That's me in the tree...

As we walked back to the temple to leave, a woman came up to me and asked in broken English if my kite was stuck in the tree. Apparently, a monk who had taken an interest in my trapped kite, was able to get it out of the tree with a 15 ft. pole. I thanked him profusely in Korean, but he seemed much more interested in getting another trapped kite from a different tree.
Thank you very much Sir!

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