When I walked into my 4 o'clock class of (very advanced English speaking) 4th graders, I noticed that Tommy (one of the most serious, studious, fluent students) had a beautifully wrapped package next to his backpack.
Me: "Well, well, well, Tommy! What a beautiful gift! What do you have there?"
Tommy: "Whisky."
Me: (baffled) "Excuse me, one more time please. What is in that present?"
Tommy (impatient with me now): "Teacher...whisky! Teachers day..May 15th. adlakjfawe (the Korean equivalent to DUH)"
Me (now only more confused because May 15th is 2 weeks away): "Oh wow, what a nice present..."
The class now chimes in: "TeacherAmy!Teachers Day!Gifts!Whisky! Gifts!Tommysteachergone! Just!"
Me: "Of course. Why wouldn't I understand why a 10 year old has a handle of whisky at school for his teacher. Gotcha. Now, turn your books to page 25 and get out a red pen..."

and PS: I sure hope these kids count their English Academy teachers (ME) as 'teachers' on this allfabulous Teachers Day and I get lavish gifts, even if its in the form of whisky...
Happy Weekend Everybody!!!
Love yall!
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