Hola Amigos!
Last Thursday was May 5th...or as us Texans like to refer to it as: Cinco De Mayo!
While this isn't a huge holiday I grew up celebrating, it is one that I have lately embraced and absolutely love! With the absence of all-things-Mexican in Korea, Bryan and I decided to host a fiesta at our casa and show our friends here what it is all about!
May 5th also happened to be a national holiday here (Children's Day), so it worked out perfectly since we all had the day off!
I tapped into my crafty side and made some Mexican inspired decorations for our little home.
Bryan and I made a FEAST!! It might not look like much to all you peeps back home, but trust me- these ingredients were HARD TO FIND in Korea...so we were pretty proud!
Taco Bar with: HOMEMADE tortillas, seasoned chicken, black beans, homemade guacamole, sauteed peppers and onions, salsa, lettuce, and cheese...YUMs
We even found Tequila!
The weather couldn't of been more perfect, and it was so so nice being able to hang out with all of our buds out on the balcony all afternoon/evening.

And finally...what would a fiesta be without FIESTA FAVORS!? We had tons of extra taco seasoning (thanks mom!), so I decided to share the love and re-gift it to our fellow expats.
Again, it might not seem like much to all you people back home, but a little taco seasoning here can go a loooong way.
And yes, those are mini sombreros on the packets, and yes...people teased me and called me "Mom" for making these :)...

I hope everyone had a fun Cinco De Mayo back home!
I love yall and miss yall!
Amy!! This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen...the sight of that delicious Mexican food may have brought me to tears! Precious! XOXO Jen