Monday, March 14, 2011


The earthquake and tsunami that happened in Japan on Friday were truly devastating. We were shocked to hear the news, and are continually saddened to hear the horrific stories from our neighboring country. It was a surreal feeling to have something so massive occur so close, but not be affected by it, while simultaneously hearing about people in California and Hawaii being affected by the earthquake's wrath. If the earthquake had happened on the West Coast of Japan, I can only imagine the affects it would have on Busan. Having just been in Tokyo in January, I have been struck by the reality of how devastating this is. The Japanese people and culture are amazingly beautiful, inside and out, and my thoughts and prayers are with them.

Japan needs our help more than ever now.
If you would like to help, please visit this site.
Every little bit helps.

Love yall,


  1. i think i figured out how to comment with a little help

    hello from grandpa hal

  2. hi Grandpa! Its so great to hear from you! I hope you are doing well :) LOVE YOU! -Amy
