Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kite Festival in Dadaepo Beach

John, Maddie, and Steph with our kite!

The other weekend I went with some friends to a Kite Festival on Dadaepo beach. It was a very sunny and windy day- the perfect ingredients for kite flying. Many Koreans were flying traditional Korean kites (which we learned how to make a few weeks back). They also had "Kite Runner"style kite wars going on, where one kite tries to cut the string of the other kites mid-air.

Our kite (in the foreground of the pic) ended up having some serious issues staying up in the air....luckily an older Korean man came to our rescue! He helped for a bit, and then gave up on us. Oh well :)

The beach we were on was very beautiful, and there were a number of kite-surfers in the water which were super fun to watch.

In the end, our kite did make it up! Only to be quickly "slashed" by another kite's string...You win some, you lose some!

Being there made me think a lot about the Zilker Kite Festival from my home town. I grew up going to that one every year, and it was nice to be able to experience the same joys from that festival across the world on a small South Korean beach. I imagine that in the years to come when I am back at the Zilker festival, I will look back on the fond memories on Dadaepo Beach in South Korea :)
Love yall!

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