Monday, February 14, 2011

Half Way Point

Well folks, we have made it over the hump. Today marks our 6 month anniversary here in Busan which is the half way point of our year long experience in the wonderful world of South Korea. Can you believe its already been 6 months?? Yep, neither can I!

LAX airport, August 13th, 2010

It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting on a 12 hour plane ride on my way to all-things-unknown. Speaking for myself, I was prrettty terrified. Excited, of course, but equally anxious/scared of what lay ahead. I was leaving everything I knew and loved behind me for the next year of my life. I had never been away from anything/anyone that long, and the idea was as invigorating as it was scary. I did not know what to expect. I did not know the language, at all. I did not (really) know how to teach. I did not know anybody in the country (expect Bryan). I did not know...well...mostly everything.

But as most of you know from keeping up with this blog- we dove right in head first and the rest has been an excellent ride. We have had tons of 'ups' from the excitement of this new lifestyle and all the fun experiences we have enjoyed along the way. And of course, some 'downs' that consist of homesickness and frustrations that were expected, and come along with living in a foreign land.

I decided to do some reflection and makes some lists (Im a big list maker) of how I feel at this point. I know my feelings and thoughts are different from when we first arrived here, and they will probably change again over the course of the next six months. So, as of today, here is what I absolutely love about living in Korea, and what I am missing from back home.

Things I love:
  • meeting and making new friends from all over the world
  • the funny things my students say daily (most recently telling me that they think Americans are so tall because of how much CocaCola they drink)
  • being in constant awe from people watching
  • our balcony: the quiet view of the mountains, the ocean, and the city
  • the beach (patiently awaiting the spring and summer so I can enjoy it more)
  • mountains (being able to go on new hikes all the time)
  • subways (they are insanely clean, easy, and cheap here)
  • KTX (the heavenly highspeed train that I want to transport me everywhere)
  • not having to drive/ worry about driving if Ive had a few drinks
  • Korean food: BBQ, shabushabu, kimbop, pajeon...and yes, kimchi is starting to grow on me
  • how cheap everything is
  • traveling (to new cities in Korea, and planning trips to new countries at the end of the summer)
  • feeling part of a global community
Things I miss:
  • My family, big time.
  • Friends from home...each and every one of you
  • Mexican food (including Margs, queso, legit guac, salsa other than Pace Picante)
  • Live music......concerts/festivals/dancing
  • People being able to understand what Im saying/ being able to understand people
  • Whole Foods and all things Green and Hippie (turns out Koreans are not the Bohemian type..who knew)
  • Lunch restaurants (sandwiches, THUNDERCLOUD and LEAF)
  • good beer
  • swimming/diving into a pool/lake (most specifically, Barton Springs)
  • Greek food (if you can find me some hummus or garbanzo beans in this city I will be yours forever)
  • Driving my car...and singing loudly with the windows down
  • a good shower
I want to read this at the end of our year here and see what I feel the same about, and what has changed. But, for now, this is how I feel. Thanks for all of your support and love during this whole experience! We have so much to look forward to here during the next 6 months and I can't wait to share it all with yall!

Love yall!

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