Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Busan Blizzard

We've seen a lot about the "snowpocalypses" on the news in US cities like NY, Chicago, and even Austin...but guess what- we had ourselves a lil blizzard of our own!

When we woke up early Monday (Valentine's Day) morning, there was already a few inches of snow on our balcony- and the snow didn't stop ALL DAY!

We went to Reading Town, but luckily (after much deliberation) Mr. Moon decided to cancel the classes. The roads were really messy that day, so it was a much safer decision to cancel the classes. Plus- we got the afternoon/night off! Woo-hoo!

The next day brought a lot of sun and temps in the 40s/50s, so sadly, the snow quickly went away. But before it was all gone, Bryan and I had some fun with it and
made a few Busan SnowMen.
Fun Fact: Koreans make their snowmen with 2 balls of snow instead of 3.

Now, bring on the Spring Weather already!!

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